Recently I have been challenged by a few good friends to not care as much about what people think about me  These folks are nudging me towards believing that God really does think amazing things about me.

Pondering what God truly thinks about me has been transformational.  I can replace the negative messages that I  repeat over and over again in my head with the truth of how God views me.

I am a perfectionist by nature.  I long for the ideal in a world that is broken.  I pray that I would readily show grace to others, but I often hold back from showing myself grace.

Last night I was shown God’s grace.  I was accepted and forgiven.  I was challenged to repeat out loud several times the following sentence: I forgive myself.  Though the words came out forced at first, this was powerful for me.

God is continuing to heal the brokenness in my life, and though this process is challenging, I am thankful.

This morning as I reflect on yesterday, I am able to push aside the ways that others think about me and how I often think about myself to rest in the loving embrace of God’s grace. I am at peace knowing that I am deeply loved both by God and by others.


Choosing the Title for My Blog

This semester I am enrolled in Dr. Tony Cartledge’s Ministry of Writing Class at Campbell University Divinity School.  One of our assignments for the semester is to create a blog and then post several entries.

How did I decide on the title of my blog: HereThereandYonder?  Yonder is a word that is frequently used in the small town where I was raised.  I appreciate my roots and still often use this word.

Also, I am in a busy season of my life where I going here and going there and sometimes I am even headed out to yonder.  I am thankful that God goes with me to each place on this journey.  Even when I am here, there, or yonder, I am not alone.

Please join me on the journey to here, there, and yonder.